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Terms of Service

This Terms of Service agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for use of Evergreen Systems LLC's image processing service. By using our service, you agree to these terms.

1. Service Description

Evergreen Systems LLC provides a web-based SaaS service for image processing. Our service allows users to upload, process, and download images using various algorithms and techniques.

2. User Account

Users are required to register an account using Google login. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account.

3. Pricing and Payment

Our pricing model is as follows:

  • Initial free trial with limited usage.
  • Subscription-based payment required after free trial.
  • Payment information collected through Stripe.

4. User Content and Data

Users are responsible for the content they upload and process:

  • Maximum upload size: 25MB per image.
  • Original images retained for 1 day after processing.
  • Processed images retained for 90 days.
  • Prohibited content: pornography, violence, copyright infringement, child exploitation material.

5. Data Processing and Third-party Services

We use the following third-party services to process images:

  • replicate
  • picsart

6. Service Availability and Interruptions

We strive to maintain high availability of our service, but we do not guarantee uninterrupted access.

Users will be notified of service interruptions through the website.

7. Modifications to the Service

We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the service (or any part thereof) at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes via email.

8. Termination of Service

We reserve the right to terminate user accounts or stop providing services under the following circumstances:

  • Violation of these Terms of Service
  • Engagement in illegal activities
  • Abuse of the service
  • Fraudulent activities
  • Security threats
  • Technical limitations
  • Business changes
  • Legal requirements
  • Harassment of other users or staff
  • Repeated copyright infringement
  • Provision of false information
  • Usage incompatible with service design

9. Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Evergreen Systems LLC shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or any loss of profits or revenues.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of the State of Wyoming, USA. Any legal action or proceeding relating to your access to, or use of, the service or these Terms of Service shall be instituted in a state or federal court in Wyoming.

11. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes will be resolved through friendly negotiation. If unsuccessful, disputes will be resolved in the courts of Wyoming, USA.

13. Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes via email.

Last Updated: September 15, 2024